What is a Mexican Walking Fish
They are also known as Axolotls and as a Mexican salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum) or a Mexican walking fish, is a neotenic salamander, closely related to the tiger salamander. They are referred to by some as water monsters. “Not these little Buggers” But sadly to say , they are endangered.
Size: A large size could range from 10-12 inches long, But average size would be 9-12 inches long.
Behavior Some Axolotls have an odd behavior while being in captivity it might actually eat another axolotl or another axolotls eggs.That’s why its recommended to house them separately.
The kind of place Mexican Walking Fish live in is Lakes and ponds. The area is like a high altitude body of water surrounded by a risky terrestrial environment. Their habitat is like most of neotonic species. There are many animals that live around it such as an American Eel and they feed on nocturnal animals. American Eel is just like the Mexican Walking fish because they live in the same habitat they both are 30cm they spend their lives in water. Another animal is The Creek Chub and it is 15 to 30cm it lives in a pond and it eat fish just like the Mexican Walking fish. A Blacknose dace just live in North America with the Mexican Walking Fish. Last but not least a Fall Fish lives in North America and lives in Lakes and rivers. The country of continent that Axolotls live in is North America.
In captivity they are known/recommended to feed on earthworms,small strips of beef/liver,blood worms,salmon or trout pallets.